Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello friends!

It seems like for.e.ver since I have posted anything, and I apologize. Honestly, I have wanted to be away from everything lately. Away from computers, telephones and doing most things social. It seems that when your spouse is deployed people think that you want your social calendar to be full, that you want to have every minute of every day planned and packed with something new and exciting to do, but I am just tired.
Don't get me wrong, I have loved the things that I have done lately and most of them I would have done even if Tyler were home, but after a while I just wanted to be. I want to enjoy sleeping in on a Saturday, watching a little football, reading a book just for fun and actually cooking dinner.

Everyone handles a deployment differently, and surprisingly enough, every deployment a couple experiences is wildly different than any other. For example, Tyler spent two weeks ... TWO SHORT WEEKS ... in Japan last December and that was the worst two weeks of my life. Weeks later he was in the Philippines for two months and that time seemed to whiz by. There are so many circumstances that make each time apart vastly different, but each time we learn more about ourselves, more about each other and more about the strength of our faith and relationship.

I challenge you to do something for yourself this week ... just one thing. I have found that I am not too good at exercising my "NO" muscle and taking time for me; do it, just this once. Tune in tomorrow for a fun surprise!

Happy Monday! 

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